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11 April 2009


The old saying goes, "there's a first time for everything." When Hudson Taylor departed the shores of England for Shanghai, China in 1866, he was among the first Christian missionaries to the country, and the first in his own family to minister abroad. Taylor's great-grandson, James Hudson Taylor III, continued the work of his family, finding ways to take the Gospel to inland and rural China despite obstacles. In the commentary "A Legacy All of Grace," WORLD Magazine writer Mindy Belz tells of the faithfulness of this family. Belz writes, "Hudson Taylor once promised God, 'As for me and my household, we shall surely serve the Lord." And, indeed, they have.

There's a first time for everything in my family, also. We are beginning on the journey to serve as missionaries along the US/Mexico border. Although we're certainly not the first to take the Gospel to the border, we're the first in our family, as far as we know, to serve as missionaries. But our prayer is that we're not the last, and a legacy "all of grace" will continue on from our family for generations to come. Our promise is the same, "as for me and my household, we shall serve the Lord."

1 comment:

sperlonga said...

And we'll pray it will! What blessing is in store for you and your children! Mindy Belz married into such a family where God has blessed each succeeding generation b/c of their parents' obedience.