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15 February 2010

Multitude Monday (1-12)

So after that last bit of complaining...
I really want to be known for something other than complaining.

And just in time, my friend introduces me to Multitude Monday at Holy Experience.

Remembering the psalmist who asked of God,
"You have taken account of my wanderings;
Put my tears in Your bottle
Are they not in Your book?
(Psalm 56:8)
Ann Voskeamp very purposefully states, "If God makes a list of my laments, I will make a list of God's love. If God has a list of my pain, I will make a list of my praise. If God writes a list of my tears, I will write a list of my thanks."

And so will I.
Because I am exceedingly abundantly blessed.
I am thankful for His many graces, His many gifts.

1. a sunny afternoon after a dismal morning
2.  the pink and orange and peach and lavender sunset that spread across the horizon
3.  my husband...
4.  ... who brings home a piece of chocolate cake for me.
5.  babysitting my friends' kids
6.  my two piano player who really do make music now
7.  a surprise phone call from my sister
8.  delicious valentine sugar cookies from a friend...
9.  ...and the recipe to make them myself
10.  the opportunity to know folks from all over the world, right here in the middle of the US
11. friends that serve cheerfully
12. clean sheets

and working towards 1000...
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holy experience