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09 January 2011

January Reflections- Scripture

• Scripture: What is the last Scripture verse you heard or read? What was God saying to you? 
He said to them, "Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?" Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it became perfectly calm.
Matthew 8:26 (NASB)

“He that can do this can do anything, which encourages confidence and comfort in Him, in the most stormy day, within or without.”
Matthew Henry on Matthew 8:23-27

I spent one day last week at a beach, known for its rough tide and strong undertow. I’ve seen the waves off Hawaii’s North Shore, and in comparison, those at Jaco appear quite unremarkable. And yet, it doesn’t take long after entering the sea to realize that there is more in the coming and going of that tide than meets the eye.

I waded out, eager to play in the surf. If I timed it correctly, I could dive under the incoming wave, and miss the rough and tumble pull of the tide. Despite the roar of the ocean, under the water it was calm. But if I misread the wave, or hesitated for even a moment too long, my plunge into the surf became a wild ride. Once I was tossed under the water, head over feet, upside down and right side up again. I came up for air a good bit away from where I first went under.

It didn’t take very long before I was physically spent, tired from swimming, tired from my attempts to fight the tide that wanted to pull me back out, tired from bracing myself for the arrival of the next surging breaker. I exited the water. I lost confidence in my ability, recognizing my ebbing strength.

And the surf wasn’t even exceptionally strong that day.

Late last week, I was at that passage in Matthew, that one where the disciples were in surf so strong that the boat was covered in waves; the passage were their fears prompted the disciples to wake the sleeping Jesus, pleading for help.

“You men of little faith,” Jesus rebuked them.  And then he arose and spoke out loud and the wind and sea “became perfectly calm.”
Perfectly calm, even in the middle of the sea, even in the midst of a storm. That is the confidence and comfort Christ promises.

I need not fight the tide.
I need not worry over the timing of the waves.
I need not hesitate in Him.
"He who can do this can do anything."

For more January Reflections, visit TheGloriousImpossible.

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