And then, in a blink of an eye, 17 years passes and SHE is the one getting married, to a dear man who is handsome and kind and cherishes her. She wore a beautiful dress and she stood still and quiet when she needed to, and she burst into tears before the ceremony even began. And so did all of us who love her so much. The excitement, you know. And, the memories.
I am sure I fell in love with that little blond girl with intense eyes, precocious, afraid of no stranger, long before I was sure about her dad. I expected way too much of her young years, and grew to know better, and she forgave me and loves me nonetheless. And I still love her, though now I'm pretty certain about her dad, too.
Be good to one another, A & T. Thanks for sharing the tears, and the excitement, with us. We can hardly wait to be with you both again!
Aw, this is lovely. 'Bout makes me cry too, just thinking about it. Yeah, where DOES the time go??
This was absolutely lovely, a perfect description! And so, my morning began with happy tears, just reading this! Love, love, love!
this made me cry... but i see i am not alone
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