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14 March 2010

weekend q & a

A long time ago I saved That's My Answer. Today they are playing Weekend Q & A- one question after another...

Do you attend church?
and that answer seems so simple.
I know my church like I know my house.
Honestly, I can walk in the building in the dark and know how many steps before reaching the light switch. 

"Attend church" does not say enough.
That's where my heart is.
The people of my church are family.
(that's me and my kids on the front steps of our church back in the fall...)

Do you think "honest politician" is an oxymoron?
I don't want it to be.  I wish it was not.
I hope that there are still honest men and women serving as elected officials. 
We don't seem to hear about those folks much...

How's the natural light in your house?
well, when there's no natural light outside either...
not so good right now.

Do you answer the door when solicitors ring your doorbell or do you ignore them?
I cannot ignore the doorbell.
Unless it is the neighbor kids playing ding dong door ditch.

What is your strangest possession?
Well, there is the Chairman Mao watch from China...

Who would you like to write out of your life?
Write out? 

What is the worst trip you've ever taken?
When I was a senior in high school, I won a scholarship and had to go to a business women's meeting in California to accept it.  I flew from Albuquerque to the John Wayne Airport to the Red Lion Inn to the airport and home.  I traveled with and shared a room with a lady who had very very bad eczema.  She left skin everywhere.  I was thankful for the scholarship.  But...

Do you plant a garden?
Not regularly.
But I love the idea of it.

What kind of coffee did you have this morning?
Morning latte.
More regular than clockwork.

How many houses have you lived in?
In my life?
I think...
(that's the most recent...)

How did you spend your weekend?
Trip to Kohls.
Piano recital.

1 comment:

Indigo said...

Hi Kat! I absolutely LOVE how you put all of the weekend Q&A questions into one post :) I'd love to have you Guest Host one of these days, if you'd like to.