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01 November 2016


"Halloween is not too haunted for true saints. This is no night for God’s “holy ones” to run and hide, but rise up and revel in the power of our sovereign Christ. This is not the devil’s day, but ours. No concessions, no treaties, no retreat. No call to fear, but an invitation to feast."
- "Christians, This is Our Night," by David Mathis, Desiring God website

We have been planning to begin an afterschool outreach at the community center in our Reynosa neighborhood for many months. The past couple of years of activities- of Vacation Bible School and art camps and woodworking and special events and serving at the ballfields- have been the foundation of relationship building. It is time. 

We wrestled over which days and what times and who is available when, the details of making it all work. We chose a start day. And then we realized, that without specific intent, we chose October 31 to begin. Halloween. 

Our neighborhood is a historically dark place. In the evening it can be physically dark- there are few streetlights, and little lights shines through windows that are behind gates and walls and set back from the street. But more importantly, it is a spriitualy dark place. We are aware of evil practices of abuse and injustice and worship and shrines to gods of darkness not farther than even I can throw a stone from our front gate. But we are the Christ-followers who believe Jesus when we said, "I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness." (John 12:46)

We opened our doors and the children came. We pounded nails into boards and created stars and arrows to pierce the darkness. The kids bobbed for apples and ate sweets and kicked the ball around and in a most ordinary way, light shines in the darkness. In the weeks to come, we will be there to help with homework and offer computers for assignments and teach and disciple and listen and love. We will extend an invitation to feast.

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